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Day in a life

All ecosystems have their rhyme and rhythm. Halisi Camp is no different.


The crew wakes. Leonard & Joseph our chefs, start preparations for morning tea trays, sunrise breakfasts, breakfast and lunch boxes as well as tea and coffee flasks to drink on game drives. Godwin starts the fire to boil water for that first wash of the day. Richard & Samson leave to fetch water.


Whiteson starts the rounds placing kerosene lamps outside each tent and preparing settings for bush sunset breakfasts for those who want.


Whiteson starts bringing the early morning tea trays.


Godwin brings hot water for those early risers. The first guests go for early morning game drive


Nico & Peter prepare the dining tent for breakfast


The breakfast service commences


Those returning from early game drive take their breakfast


After clearing up breakfast, Leonard & Joseph start preparations for lunch. Godwin and Whiteson clean and prepare the tents for the day. Nico will prepare the dining tent for lunch.


Guydon checks the bookings for the day and catches up on paperwork.


Lunch is served


After lunch the crew clear everything and then take well earned rest in the heat of the day


Leonard starts preparations for dinner. Samson starts preparing the camp fire and hot water. Peter organises the sundowner baskets for those guests who have requested this on their evening game drive.


The first guests return from safari to be welcomed with cool towel and drink. Guydon shows them to their tent. Whiteson provides hot water for those who want a shower.


Samson lights the camp fire ready for the sunset. Nico prepares the dining tent for dinner. Leonard continues with dinner.


Samson escorts guests from their tent. The camp fire is a welcoming place to watch the sunset and take an aperitif.


Leonard is starting the final preparations for dinner


Nico and Peter serve dinner


After dinner, guests relax at the fire or in the dining tent. Some start to retire. Samson guides them to their tents. The day finishes early in the bush.


Samson makes his final rounds of the day and the rest of the team the final cleaning before bed. The day is long and sleep is good


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